How to recognize your life’s mission?
Ever wondered what the purpose of your life is?This question can pop up when we are older and think, “is this it?”.Or maybe at a young age when choosing a […] Continue Reading →
What is consciousness and why A.I. can never get it
Are you getting tired of these discussions about A.I. can become sentient, or taking over the world? Before you start worrying about Alexa or Google Assistant, below I show two […] Continue Reading →
Is there an objective wrong or right?
Is there an absolute truth about what is wrong or right?Is starting a war good or bad? Is there an objective wrong or right? Well, it depends.The answer might surprise […] Continue Reading →
How it all started
This is a story of how everything started. It’s an oddly strange story 🙂 Please let me know if there are any questions. Strange, stranger, strangest.. So.. Continue Reading →