The Fundamental Issue With Religions And How To Overcome

The problem is that people take words and language of a holy book too literally, and the solution is to teach people to use their own inner wisdom, so they can experience it without words.

A common factor in religions is that they give pointers to a “God”, being written down in a book. That is where the problem starts: the words in such a book are taken too seriously, or people have their own interpretations, and before you know it, people are fighting each other.

My apologies if this topic is a bit heavy, but in this article I want to point why this issue is fundamental, and that there are already progressions by many people (like me) that provide an alternative.

While reading this article, you might feel some friction or even angriness. This is a natural response of what many people call “the ego”, which is protecting you against new ideas that could be dangerous. I don’t want to oppose anyone of any religion. Please bear with me, and please give it a try to look over the edge of your comfort zone.

The issue with religions

There are many names for the creator of this universe. Like God, Yahweh, Allah, the Creator, the Source. In this article, I use the word “God”.
Atheists can assume it is not created by someone, but it is here, so this implies “creation” so then it is created by something.
I think we can agree that such a creator cannot be described in words, in the same way a goldfish cannot describe quantum physics using only bubbles as a communication method.
However, the Bible, Torah, Koran, etcetera are often interpreted as “the truth”, not understanding that a truth cannot be grasped with words. Any attempt is bound to be biased, by the frame of reference of the related language and culture. Such bias is dangerous when not recognized, since it creates a false illusion of “knowing what God wants”. Many wars have been started because of this.

By the way, atheists have the benefit of not writing it down, and avoiding this pitfall.


Different people have different understanding of the written text of the holy book, and this usually leads to branches or denominations, which then leads to frictions between the people who believe in these.
In the Monty Python’s movie “Life of Brian”, it is amusingly shown how quickly new variants are derived from a religion, based on interpretation.

Personally, I have extensively studied the Holy Bible in the past. I felt Jesus in my heart, and the quality of my life improved. But sadly enough, there have been many victims of the dogma that people created around the writings of the Bible. Think about the Spanish Inquisition, the many conflicts between catholics and protestants, or the abuses in the Catholic Church.

Of course, religious wars don’t have purely a religious origin. Also, cultural aspects and personal gaining play a role.

How to overcome

More and more people nowadays come with a more spiritual, esoteric or holistic approach. Some call it the “New Age” movement. There is a growing number of people with some kind of spiritual awakening, who usually feel the urge to tell others about it, and write a book about their new insights. Usually, these are in line with the insights from people with a near-death experience or out-of-body experience. Similarly also in my case.
But, you may ask, aren’t my teachings not just preaching another opinion or religion?
Well, yes and no.

Yes, in the same way as other new-ageists, I share my “divine” insights with others, in the form of words. By lack of other medium.

But, no, the difference is that I tell people not to take my words for granted. My words are just “words”. These words are not Divine. They point towards the Divine. And if people follow these pointers, they will feel more and more their own inner wisdom. This inner wisdom is Divine.
This can be only experienced, and not explained. And certainly not through words.

In this principle lies the solution to bring “religion” to a higher level. More understanding. And less wars.

Of course, this process will take generations. Because people tend to be very attached to words, and interpretations. But there is a growing number of people who understand this, and this movement cannot be stopped. There will be people who want to counteract this movement, because they see it as a thread. This is all fine. It is our collective adventure.
I know this growing movement for inner wisdom is unstoppable, and we will get there.


I know it is a far stretch for me to indicate a fundamental issue with the current religions, and to provide a solution. The problem of people taking words and language of a holy book too literally, and the solution to teach people to use their own inner wisdom.
But I am not the only one who sees it this way. There are many others, and the numbers are growing.
I just explain it in a way that hopefully is understandable.

And if you disagree with what I said: that is totally fine. I believe it is part of the adventure we are all in, and we will make steps forward together, as a community.
I hope my other blog articles will clarify more, and the picture gets clearer.
But after all.. these are also just words 🙂

The information above comes from sessions of deep awakening, and is restructured by the writer in order to make it comprehensible and usable in our daily lives. For more background information see About Me

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