Uncover Your Life’s Mission: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Purpose

This blog explains how to find your goals in life, by first explaining the broader context, and then gives a 3-step approach for practical implementation.

Ever wondered what the purpose of your life is?
This question can pop up when we are older and think, “is this it?”.
Or maybe at a young age when choosing a profession.

This question is related to why some things in life go smoothly, and other things seem problematic.

Would it be great to find a way to focus on the things that go well for you? Not because of your talents in such direction, but more so that you are operating in line with the direction that your soul wanted to go in this life?

You can call this your life mission. In fact, you have many missions, some big, some small.

To understand the answer, we need to dive deep.First some background

First some background

Let’s start with the bigger picture.

When your soul was not physical, it had an urge to experience a number of things. This is because when the Source separated into these many souls, it wanted to view itself from all aspects that you can imagine. It wanted to experience everything that can be experienced. The good and the bad. Because God (or Source or how you name it) is both. It is everything.
Because of this urge, your soul chose your body to reincarnate into, and your soul agreed with a life contract for this life that created a stream of situations that would support exactly the experiences that it wants to have.

So, it was a wish from your soul to sign that life contract and start this life. Making use of many external factors that support exactly what you would like to experience in this life. External factors like talents, people around you, trauma’s from your early lives, trauma’s embedded in the family system where you “land”, and even the influence of the planets.
Now it is as if you are in a wild river, where you try to peddle your boat downstream. There are many factors, like side streams, bad weather, blocking boulders, fallen trees over the river, etc.

Following the stream and the flow is most natural and convenient, you would say. However, many people try different routes because they think that is best. So they end up rowing upstream, or in dead-ends, stay sin still water, or crash into something.

Remember, the stream is not always along nice events, but also painful events, to give you all situations, emotions and learnings that your soul wanted to experience in this life.

Let’s consider this example: a soul wanted to experience forgiveness and open the flow of heart energy. The soul chooses a life, where it lives as a woman, where everything went well, she married, but her husband cheated on her, giving a lot of pain in their relation. In this example, her stream of life went well for a number of events, and the negative events were hard to avoid. Avoidance would give more pain than following the flow (including the negative events). The experiences and learnings are what her soul wanted. Remember, our souls don’t see good or bad. They just see events and learnings as they are. See this article.

So, all things you do in line with your stream go well. And all things you do to follow an alternative path seem troublesome, and usually feel as “being stuck in life” or “repetitive bad luck”.
Even your creative powers (like using the “law of attraction”) are diminished if you row upstream.

Okay, but what to do?

But, how to recognize what is your stream? What are the things that your soul wanted to do in your life?
For this, there are many clues.

First, look at your talents. What are the things you do well? What goes smoothly for you? Some say that each person has 12 fundamental talents. Everybody has an equal amount of talents. It is very useful to learn to know them, and cultivate them further. The sum of your talents points in the direction of your life’s mission(s).
Please note that even negative traits usually hold a talent. For instance, if you are naive or gullible, then the talent could be open-mindedness, which is good for when you are a researcher.

Then, look at your life as it currently is: what goes well, and what does not go well?
Do not look too far in the past, since in the past you needed different experiences.
Make a list of all things you don’t like in your life (or drain energy), and a list of things that give you energy.

Having looked at your talents, and your situation in life, it is time to use your intuition.
Remember that your intuition is vastly more wise than your brain, that is limited to follow patterns, trying to survive, to replicate, seeking pleasure and to avoid pain.
Your intuition is noticeable mainly via feelings.
For instance, if you are in doubt: should I stay in my current job, or should I move to the other job that just crossed my life path? You can take the following 3-step approach:

  1. Collect all facts, but without emotions or interpretations (they confuse our monkey-brains). Facts like: what are the pros and cons of switching jobs. Is the new job in line with my talents? Will my suffering continue there? What effects does it have on my family? What would I think of my choice at the end of my life?
  2. This step is optional, but powerful for the people who give it a try: pray to get insights. You can ask for it (like the Bible says) or you can use your own authority to tell the Universe that you want to make changes, and want to omit the usual obstructions that hinder our ability to make good choices.
  3. Make yourself at rest, close your eyes, and just think of each different option you can choose from. For each option, feel from deep within the reaction inside yourself. Do you feel cheering, or warm feeling? Then this likely is the better option to choose in line with the wish of your soul.

As with anything in life, this takes some practice.
If you use this technique every day, in the course of days you likely will get more insights in which choices are good for you (and in line with your souls desires.

And remember, making the good choices in life does not give you only pleasure. Your soul wants to experience it all, the pain and the pleasure. But rowing your boat in the direction of the wishes of your soul removes the “unnecessary” suffering from your life.

I hope this helps you in the journey of your life.

The information above comes from sessions of deep awakening, and is restructured by the writer in order to make it comprehensible and usable in our daily lives. For more background information see About Me

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